Sunday, August 9, 2009

I love the nightlife

yesterday I sat around watching and reading the news from the U.S. I still miss my home and family, even my country, for that matter; I appreciate it more than ever and can't wait to get back. but at the same time I'm quickly adjusting to life here and am loving the city and people.

one thing that's still odd is not having any responsibilities besides studying. all my meals are prepared for me and we even have someone who cleans the apartment. in regard to our meals, we have breakfast when we wake up, lunch at three PM, and then a super light dinner around 8 PM.

my host mom asked if I would be interested in teaching English at the elementary school nearby. OMG a definite duh. she said she'd speak with the director of the school once their term starts.

last night I met with Anna and two of her friends, both from the U.S. and we took a taxi to the movie theater, which was inside a mall. the taxi only cost the equivalent of two U.S. dollars, which we split, and my movie ticket was three U.S. dollars. and yes, they show the same movies that would be playing in the U.S., besides those in Spanish. we saw the Code, with Morgan Freeman and Antonio Banderes, which sucked, but at least I learned a bit from reading the Spanish subtitles.

afterward we took another taxi back into the city. BTW there appear to be no traffic laws. there aren't any traffic lights, and I only remember seeing one stop sign, which didn't phase our taxi driver, who was also singing loudly.

once we were dropped off, we decided that we'd all meet up later at the union garden at 1:15 AM.

we ended up going to four different night clubs. at one of them I was frisked at the door and the guy pulled out my chapstick and asked "Qué es?" (what's this?). I thought, really?

toward the end of the night we went back to that basement-style bar, where people dance on the white sofas, and this time there were strobe and lazer lights zipping through all the artificial smoke. we danced till they closed, which was about four AM.

on our way to this reggae bar, I saw this guy walking by who at first I thought had cerebral palsy, because of the way his legs were bent as he walked. but as he got closer I could tell by the look on his face that he was just incredibly intoxicated. I've never seen someone look that out of it. but somehow he was functioning as if he were on autopilot and like he still possesed a sense of direction.

unfortunately the reggae bar was closed as well, so I'm guessing that bars here close at 4 AM. there were still all kinds of people out and about, especially around this one taco stand. it reminded me of the many weekends in Charleston where after a drunken evening we'd all head over to taco bell.

and again, my night of clubbn was completely free.

anyway, gotta get back to studying. my first class starts tomorrow at 8 AM


  1. how humiliating to have your chapstick handled like it's a mere toy to be confiscated from your pants!

  2. I know, my most cherished beauty secret plucked from my pants for all to see. at least I was allowed to enter with it in tow
