Monday, August 10, 2009

baby, bank, and bootleg videos

woke up at 6:30 AM to get ready for classes, along with most everyone else in the house who was up because
one of my host mom's daughters had to go to
the hospital to give birth. both the daughter and new baby boy are coming home tomorrow.

today was the first day of classes and I left feeling really good about all of them.
everything was pretty much introductory, except for my history course, in which my professor started lecturing the
material. it's hard enough to pay attention to a lecture in English, so you'd figure it'd be easy to zone out to someone
speaking in a foreign language, but surprisingly she had a way of speaking that I really liked. she was so concise, composed
, and humorous.

and I'm really looking forward
to my conversations class in which we discuss world issues within a mixed group of Japanese, Korean, Canadians,
Germans, and U.S. citizens. today we touched upon stereotypes, which prompted our professor to share this joke:

Q: ?por qué las rubias no saben preparar hielo? (why don't blondes know how to prepare
A: porque no saben la receta (because they don't know the recipe)

afterward, Anna and I walked around the city looking for a bank. I needed to withdraw
6,630 pesos ($500 USD) from the ATM in order to pay my host family for the month. along the way we ran into two
other international students, both from Canada and we all walked to the bank, then walked around looking through
various shops. I bought some apple soda and a package of lightly poweredered donuts, the total being around a dollar.
this is a view from our balcony

this is the street I live on, Calle Sangre de Cristo

on my way back to the apartment

our quest for stores. up ahead on the right side is a large group of students sketching on paded paper

near the bank. I'm guessing that yellow building is a church? forgot to ask

this is Lidia and Cindy. they're from Quebec, Canada. their first language is French

we followed Cindy into a video store. I noticed that they had Public Enemies, Bruno, and Ice Age 3 on their shelves, all movies playing at my theater before I left. the videos are about 3 for $3 USD.


  1. Calle Sangre de Cristo? Wowza! And I knew what the yellow building was already, I believe its quite famous.

  2. are going to pay $500 every month you are in mexico??

  3. @Michael: I know, I didn't realize right away the translation

    @erica: yes. the total being $2000, which is cheap, considering that it includes all of my meals, laundry, and internet
